Home Loan / Car Loan / Personal Loan
EMI Calculator

EMI:  11,621.34

  • Principal
  • Interest

Principal:  7,35,000
Interest:  2,41,193
Total:  9,76,193

How to Use Our EMI Calculator?

Our easy-to-use EMI calculator helps you get accurate results instantly. Simply:

  • 👉 Enter the loan amount
  • 👉 Select the loan tenure
  • 👉 Provide the interest rate
  • ✅ Done. Your EMI is here!

What is EMI?

Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) is the fixed amount paid every month to a bank or financial institution until a loan is fully repaid. It includes both the principal and interest components. Over time, the interest component decreases while the principal repayment increases.

Use our advanced EMI calculator to determine your monthly payments for home loans, personal loans, car loans, and credit card EMIs.

EMI Calculation Formula

The EMI for a loan is calculated using the formula:

EMI = [P x R x (1+R)^N] / [(1+R)^N-1]

  • P = Principal loan amount
  • R = Monthly interest rate (Annual Rate / 12 / 100)
  • N = Loan tenure in months

Home Loan EMI Calculator

Calculate your home loan EMI with ease. Enter the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure to get instant results. Our tool provides a detailed breakup of principal and interest payments.

Personal Loan EMI Calculator

Planning to take a personal loan? Use our EMI calculator to determine your monthly installment. Personal loans usually come with higher interest rates, so calculating EMI beforehand can help in financial planning.

Car Loan EMI Calculator

Buying a car? Calculate your car loan EMI and choose the best financing option. Compare EMI amounts for different interest rates and loan tenures to find the most affordable plan.

Credit Card Payment EMI

Convert your credit card bill into EMIs and ease your financial burden. Check EMI options provided by banks and compare interest rates before opting for EMI conversion.

Floating vs Fixed Rate EMI

Understanding the difference between floating and fixed interest rates is crucial. Floating rates can change over time, affecting your EMI payments, while fixed rates remain constant.

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